Valverde Maclean
Copyright © 2023
Penheylg Associates ·  All Rights reserved 
At least this morning, the sun was shining and hope had returned.
But for how much longer would depend on us. The fear remained that, once again, events could turn against us.

Last night had been a night from Hell.  The memory of it was seared into our minds and would be lodged there forever.  Before the planned meeting, the thought that the day would not go well had crowded our minds.  That concern still lingered, although we had survived.  Last night it had seemed that even the weather was conspiring against us with the black, starless night, the roar of the driving wind, the lashing rain and the bitter chill of the winter air.  Hell is supposed to be hot but then not all bad things have to be hot.  Hell can freeze over but it’s still Hell.

Perhaps to understand the situation I need to tell the whole story and bare a family’s secrets.
"Life is journey.  Each of us are responsible for our own decisions.  Sometimes we can choose the path we desire.  Sometimes we must make the best of the only path available."
Thinking back had brought up memories of his wife, Miriam.  It was seventeen years since she’d died.  He still missed her.  Together they had made a great team, he could always count on her support and he hoped that she had felt that she always had his.  Miriam, if she believed in something - you knew, if she expressed a view you needed to take good note of it.  If you acted against it you needed to have a good reason, a very good reason, because she was usually right.

These days there is so much talk of powerful women, smart intelligent women with their own minds.  Well there were some who fitted that description, there always had been, he’d known plenty, but there were lots that didn’t fit those categories.  He saw them every day in his work but they certainly weren’t the women in his life.   He thought of himself as a man’s man but really the three most important people in his life were women.  Miriam, then their daughter Lexi, and his granddaughter, Leisa.