Valverde Maclean
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It's not a problem.
It's an opportunity.
Problems always arise.
How we solve them is a challenge.
Sometimes the solution is simple, other times the answer is never found.
However new ideas, and new opportunities, can emerge from the search.
That’s how the Post-it Note was created.  Even the original yellow colour was supposedly an accident.
It's not a problem.  It's an  opportunity.
Image; Kameron Kinkade on unsplash
Pigs poop.  Lots of poop.
It’s a problem but there are solutions.
Methane can be captured and used for heating or to power generators and produce electricity, reducing greenhouse gas pollution.
The sludge or dried manure is a fertilizer to return nutrients back to the soil.
The water can be recycled and used again.
Opportunities exist.  It’s a case of finding the best and most applicable use of a resource.